1 Guaranteed Quality

HRem provides HR services that are promoting business effectiveness since 2009. Our philosophy is that we work together with our clients in such a way as we were their own HR professionals.

2 Outstanding Professionals

Our colleagues have both corporate and consulting experience this and our references are the guarantee for the quality work.

3 Ongoing Status Reports

By maintaining an ongoing relationship throughout the duration of the project, we assure our customers 100% satisfaction.

Price Quote

    Az <a href="https://hrem.hu/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/Adatkezel%C3%A9si-Ir%C3%A1nyelv-2018.pdf" targe="_blank">adatkezelési nyilatkozatot</a> elfogadom

    Hrem logó

    MECHID Service Kft. 1032 Budapest, Föld u. 65 - +36 1 368 4976, +36 30 8139584 - info@hrem.hu

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