Outsourced HR

We offer outsourced HR for companies who cannot afford their own HR department either from a cost or from a headcount point of view to businesses whose HR professional is on a temporary leave: (e.g.: maternity leave, sabbatical, long-term sick leave). Firms that wish to optimize their Human Resources Management processes.

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Workforce Leasing

With this service we aim to promote the flexibility of our clients, in such a way that they can lease employees for their workforce from our company. The recruitment and the selection of the employees can be carried out either by the client or by HRem.

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Workforce Placement

In the shortest time possible we will find the right candidate, who meets our client’s every requirement. The recruitment usually involves a database search and advertisement, followed by selection (pre-screening and a one to one interview). Our client will receive a written characterization of the best candidates before we present them.

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Hrem logó

MECHID Service Kft. 1032 Budapest, Föld u. 65 - +36 1 368 4976, +36 30 8139584 - info@hrem.hu

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