Our current top clients are from the automotive, and financial services sectors, but since the very beginnings we were providing services to the clients listed below:

  • BMW AG
  • BMW Bank Austria
  • BMW Magyarország Kft.
  • BMW Vertriebs GmbH
  • BMW Vertriebs GmbH Magyarországi Fióktelepe
  • Computer Technika Kft.
  • Menedékház Alapítvány
  • myTranslator
  • ProjektNavigator Bt.
  • Red Lion Tatto
  • SOLID studio
  • TT Ablak
  • Tűzkert Étterem Kft.
Hrem logó

MECHID Service Kft. 1032 Budapest, Föld u. 65 - +36 1 368 4976, +36 30 8139584 - info@hrem.hu

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