Payroll, Social Security Administration

Based on the requests of our customers, as part of our outsourced HR and workforce leasing services, we provide payroll, social security, personnel administration and cafeteria services as well.

With the involvement of HRem you will be exempt from the administrational problems and you can concentrate more on maximizing your profit.

Within the frame of our payroll and social security administration services we provide our customers with the documents, reports, data, and declarations according to their needs and to the legislations.

Payroll preparation covers the tasks below:

  • performing the obligations in relation to the registration of the employees
  • handling and processing the data of the employees’ time sheets
  • payroll of the monthly regular and irregular payments
  • preparation of the individual payslips (electronic or paper)
  • preparation of vacation sheets
  • income tax declarations
  • preparation of payroll related reports and statistics
  • reconciliation of voluntary health and pension fund fees, preparation of transfer lists
  • preparation of wage posting for accounting

Social security administration involves:

  • preparation of the necessary documents for the assessment of sick leave, maternity leave, child care payment.
  • preparation of the documents for family support provisions (GYED, GYES, family allowance)
  • pension preparation
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