Workforce Placement

In the shortest time possible we will find the right candidate, who meets our client’s every requirement. The recruitment usually involves a database search and advertisement, followed by selection (pre-screening and a one to one interview). Our client will receive a written characterization of the best candidates before we present them.

Headhunting/Executive Search: In a personalized direct search we try to find the best professionals for the required position. In most cases, the candidate is not an active job seeker, but a top employee, manager or executive of another firm. Because of this, discretion is always assured. Our main task here is to attract their attention.

Guarantee: We offer a guarantee for both headhunting and workforce placement services. Depending on the job type, a 3-6 months guarantee, which means that during the guarantee period should a candidate not work out, we are able to present a new candidate free of charge according to the original profile as soon as we can.

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